Sunday, November 24, 2019

Are microplastics a threat to food security?

Last month I published a review article in the Journal of Food Science and Technology, entitled: Microplastics: an emerging threat to food security and human health. In this short review, I addressed the current state of art regarding microplastics contamination in food (mostly seafood and shellfish). I made an understanding of how microplastics could threat two of the four pillars of food security. Microplastic uptake pathways in humans (Fig. 1) are discussed and possible health implications are reviewed. 

Fig. 1. A model showing microplastics route from emission to human ingestion

I concluded that there is still knowledge gaps to be investigated in order to fully understand and quantify microplastic contamination impacts over food security and human health. 
I wanted to share my review with anyone that needed it, you can always request it from my ResearchGate account. 

De-la-Torre, G. E. (2019). Microplastics: an emerging threat to food security and human health. Journal of Food Science and Technology

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