Friday, November 22, 2019

Microplastics in the marine environment

I've been researching microplastic (MP) presence and abundance for about two years now. It is interesting to see how these particles smaller than 5 mm in diameter or length are ubiquitous in the marine environment. After doing some research, we found MPs in different molluscs, fish and even in marine otter scats from the coast of Peru. Determining the exact sources is quite hard, but it is most likely that the poor waste water treatments promote the dispersal of microfibers (which are, by the way, the most common MP morphological type I've found here and many studies agree with this).

Fig. 1. Blue microfibers found in the stomach of Cheilodactylus variegatus from the coast of Lima, Peru
The MPs in figure 1 are about larger than 100um. I'm looking forward to investigate MP bioaccumulation in Peruvian bivalves through the correlation between MP content and valve length and wet weight of each individual. It sound very interesting to me.

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